+/-14,000 SQ FT Functional High End Shop on 15 Stabilized Acres for Sale or Lease. High Quality Construction With Offices, High Clearance Ceilings, & Wash Area. Sizes: Shop Footprint: 144' X 80'= 11,520' +2,240 Sq Ft 2nd Level Office+168 Sq Ft Vestibule= 13,928 Total Square Feet. Office Sizes: 4,480 Sq Ft of Office Area, Including 10 Private Offices, Two Conference Rooms, Training Room, Break Room/Lounge, Dispatch Office, and Reception Area. Land: +/-15 Stabilized Acres, Lot Dimensions: 1245' X 525' = 653,625 SQ ft, or +/-15 acres. 3 Drive-Through Bays, One Additional Drive-In Bay. Bay Depth=80' To Accommodate Longer Trucks, 20' Ceiling Height. Building Dimensions: Office: 30' X 80' and 144'x 80= 11,520' +2,240 SQ 2nd Level Office+168 Sq Ft Vestibule= 13,928 Total Square Feet on 15 acres.